Lindane is an organochlorine insecticide that has been used as a pediculicide and a scabicide. Lindane is used as second-line therapy for topical treatment of pediculosis capitis (head lice), pediculosis pubis (pubic lice), or scabies in patients greater than two years of age who cannot tolerate or have failed first-line treatment.

  • Pediculosis Capitis
  • Scabies
  • Crab lice

Scabies is a common, highly pruritic infestation of the skin caused by Sarcoptes scabiei (lice). It is a very contagious condition with specific lesions, such as burrows, and nonspecific lesions, such as papules, vesicles and excoriations. The typical areas of the body it affects are finger webs, scalp (hair), wrists, axillary folds, abdomen, buttocks, inframammary folds and genitalia (males). It is characterized by intense night-time itching. Scabies is spread through close personal contact (relatives, sexual partners, schoolchildren, chronically ill patients and crowded communities). Scabies infestations and the corresponding symptoms can be eliminated by killing the scabies with topical insecticides or scabicides. Lindane is an organochlorine insecticide that has similar neurotoxic properties to DDT. It exerts its parasiticidal action by being directly absorbed through the parasite's exoskeleton (primarily lice, or scabies) and their ova. The gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor/chloride ionophore complex is the primary site of action for lindane, and other insecticides such as endosulfan, and fipronil. Blockage of the GABA-gated chloride channel reduces neuronal inhibition, which leads to hyperexcitation of the central nervous system. This results in paralysis, convulsions, and death. Lindane has very low ovicidal activity.

How to use:
Shake the bottle well before use. Apply a very thin layer of lotion once over your entire body from the neck down to the bottoms of your feet or as directed by your doctor. Use a toothbrush to apply lindane under your nails (scabies mites prefer this area). Do not use this toothbrush in your mouth afterward. Wrap the toothbrush and throw it in the trash with the closed bottle of any unused lindane out of the reach of children and pets.After application, do not cover your skin with fabric that does not breathe (e.g., disposable/plastic diaper, tight clothes, blankets). Avoid skin-to-skin contact with anyone while lindane is on your body.Leave the medication on the skin for 8-12 hours. Leaving it on overnight is usually enough. Do not leave it on the skin for more than 12 hours. Leaving it on longer will not kill any more scabies mites/eggs, but your risk of serious (possibly fatal) seizures will be increased. Remove lindane lotion by washing very well in a shower or bath, using warm (not hot) water.

Side Effects:
The product is possible safe for most adults. There is no disadvantage associated with the product if taken under the recommended usage however redness, skin rashes, itching and burning sensation can occur in some patients.

The lotion can interact with the following medications:
  • Antibiotics like penicillins, imipenem and ciprofloxacin
  • Antidepressants like amitriptyline
  • Immunosuppressant like cyclosporine, mycophenolate, tacrolimus
  • Isoniazid
  • Antimalarials like chloroquine and pyrimethamine
  • Sedatives like Zolpidem, temazepam and lorazepam

  • Patients with frequent history of seizure should not us this product
  • Lindane should not be used in premature infants or patients with poorly controlled seizures
  • Pregnant and breast feeding females should not use the lotion

Precautions & Warnings:
  • This drug can be poisonous if used incorrectly
  • Do not take this drug by mouth, and avoid contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth. If lindane gets in these areas, rinse with water immediately and seek immediate medical attention if a burning feeling remains
  • Do not use it if there is skin irritation (e.g., open wounds, rash, cuts, or sores) on the area to be treated
  • Wet or warm skin can increase the absorption of lindane into your bloodstream which can increase the risk of side effects